HPRI East 2023

About the Event
Visit us at HPRI East, and don’t miss Kathy Gonzales’s presentation!
The Healthcare Payment and Revenue Integrity (HPRI) Congress connects leading figures in payment integrity and revenue cycle management. HPRI is the only conference focusing on breaking down payor and provider silos to foster communication and nurture relationships.
Payment integrity vendors, such as MedReview, and claims processing services will join healthcare payors and providers at HPRI East in Boston, September 13 and 14, 2023, to share information and the latest payment integrity solutions.
Kathy Gonzales, MedReview’s Chief Strategy Officer, is one of HPRI East’s speakers this year. Don’t miss Kathy’s presentation “Better Manage What You Are Missing: Collaborate with Data Mining Expertise,” on Thursday, September 14, at 11:30 am.
Data mining is one of the analytical tools used in payment integrity to identify fraudulent claims. Data mining does not require medical records, nor does it look at DRG coding. Using such data-mining techniques as association rules, classification, and clustering, MedReview’s experts can identify hard-to-find claim overpayments and stay ahead of claim leakage.
Timothy Wilson, Senior Vice President of Population Health Management at P3 Health Partners, will join Kathy and Data Mining Expert Michael Brown to detail how MedReview’s data mining was deployed at P3, what outcomes data mining uncovered, and where P3 is applying its returned dollars.
And don’t forget to visit MedReview at Booth 1 (Huntington Ballroom, ground floor) to learn how our physician-approved payment integrity solutions can eliminate waste and lead to big savings.
To schedule a meeting with MedReview at HPRI East 2023, click below.